•When adding new line items to RFQs, there are three options for defaulting the Request-By Field:
•If you select ALWAYS, the Request-By Field will initially default to your user ID code for the first RFQ line that you enter. If you modify the default for the RFQ line, the new request-by will carry forward for subsequent lines on that page.
•If you select CURRENT PAGE, the Request-By Field will initially not default for the first RFQ line that you enter. However, if you modify the default for the RFQ line, the new request-by will carry forward for subsequent lines on that data entry page.
•If you select NEVER, the Request-By Field will not default at all when entering new RFQ lines.
Default line type
•When adding new line items to RFQs, the line item "type" field (e.g. regular item, description only) can default based either on the last item entered or to "regular" for each new line item entered.
Default delivery date if blank
•When adding new line items to RFQs, the delivery date will default from the last line item entered.
•This setting determines how the delivery dated will default for the first line item that you enter.
Exclude primary description when additional description exists?
•Depending on how you use the description fields in the Item Master File, you may want to include both the short (primary) description AND the extended description on RFQs or ONLY the extended description. The latter might be the case if you are using the primary description for only internal purposes (e.g. for searching, internal reporting, etc.) and if your suppliers do not need to see this content.
•To exclude the primary description and ONLY use the extended description, check this box.
•There is a similar setting for POs and Purchase Requisitions in PO Entry Settings.
Allow modification of catalog item descriptions?
•You can either allow or disallow modification of descriptions that default from the Item Master File onto RFQs.
•There is a similar setting for POs and Purchase Requisitions in PO Entry Settings.
Update ALL cost centers on ALL lines when ship-to changes?
•If you modify the ship-to cost center code on the RFQ Header when line items have already been added to the RFQ, you can optionally be prompted to update the charge-to cost centers specified for each line item as well. This can eliminate the need to manually update each line item when you both ship-to and charge to the same cost centers.