PURCHASING > Utility > Reconcile > Recalculate cost center budgets
This utility can be used to manually refresh/recalculate the balances (charges) in the Cost Center Budget Utility based on current transactions in the system.
This utility is also run automatically when the system is reindexed.
You can also recalculate the budgets by selecting [REFRESH] in the View Cost Center Budget.
Most standard (commonly used) transactions, such Requisitions, POs, Usages, Invoices, etc., will all impact the budgets real-time as they are processed. However, there are some uncommon functions that can affect Cost Center charges that do not instantly update the budgets. For example, importing transactions or manually adjusting Cost Center history will not impact the budgets until a refresh takes place. In cases like these, you can use this utility to refresh the budgets at any time.
In addition, you should run this utility when you initially enable cost center budgets.