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SpendMap User Guide (v14.8)

Navigation: Requisitions and Approvals > Expense Reimbursement Requisitions

Re-print a Processed Expense Requisition

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REQUISITIONS AND APPROVAL > Expense Reimbursements > Re-print a processed expense reimbursement


Use this to print a copy of processed (live) Expense Reimbursement Requisitions.

TIP: You can also use the [Print] button in View Requisition Status.

Changes that are made to requisitions as they move through the approval process will be reflected on requisitions that are re-printed.

If you simply need a list of open requisitions, there are various reports in the REPORTS section of the Main Menu.

NOTE: You may be restricted as to which Reqs you can reprint (e.g. you may only be able to reprint your own Reqs, your Cost Center's Reqs, etc.), based on the Document Access setting in the [Permissions] folder of the User Master File.