INVOICE APPROVAL > Status & Inquiries > Non-PO invoice log
This is used to view the details of processed non-PO invoices.
Non-PO invoices will accumulate in the Log as they are processed and will be available until they are purged.
Since this utility shares its screens with the Non-PO Invoice Work Area, some buttons will be grayed-out (i.e. not available).
Invoice Summary Screen
This screen shows a summary of the non-PO invoices that match the search filters at the top of the screen.
Double-click on an invoice to drill into the details or use the [Quick search by document number] button at the bottom of the screen to jump right to a specific invoice.
The search filters/fields at the top of the screen determine which documents will show in the browse list below. Click [SUBMIT THIS SEARCH] to display matching documents.
When you return to this screen, SpendMap will remember your previous search. You can also save commonly-used searches for fast and easy access, using the "Quick/Saved Searches" drop-list.
Click [Add another filter] to add new field to search by. You can add as many search filters as needed. Note the radio button to "Include ALL filters" (i.e. display documents that match all of the active search filters) vs. "Include ANY filters" (i.e. display documents that match any of the active search filters).
Select [Start a new search] to clear all search filters (i.e. start over) or use the [Remove] button to delete individual search filters.