INVENTORY CONTROL > Adjustments > Inventory counts > Inventory count Work Area
When you perform a physical inventory count, you can enter the in-stock balance for each item in the Inventory Count Work Area.
When transactions (Tickets) in the Work Area are processed, the in-stock balance of each item will be adjusted to match the quantity counted and the corresponding adjustment transaction will update the item’s history and will show on various reports.
For general information on the use of Work Areas in SpendMap, see Document Work Areas.
What are “Tickets”?
A “Ticket” refers to a unique inventory count transaction in the Work Area. The term "ticket" comes from the days when inventory counts were commonly performed by counting the items and recording the count quantity on a paper ticket that was affixed to the items before being collected at the end of the counting process.
The Inventory Count Work Area may contain multiple Tickets for the same item. For example, if the item is kept in multiple stock locations, there may be tickets representing the count for the item at each location.
Even within the same location, there may be multiple Tickets for the same item. For example, in large warehouses, you may divide the task of counting items among multiple staff members (e.g. each person counts an area of the warehouse). If the item exists in multiple places (bins) in the warehouse, the same item can be entered into the Work Area many times (once for each area/bin, with a different count quantity and Ticket number).
If the same item exists on multiple Tickets at the same location, the Tickets will be consolidated automatically when the Work Area is processed, so that the end result will be a single adjusting transaction to bring stock levels to the correct quantity. For example, if an item is counted with a quantity of 10 on one Ticket and 20 on another Ticket (for the same location), SpendMap will consider there to be 30 in stock at that location when the count is processed.
Related utilities and transactions
•You can import count information (e.g. from a barcode scanner) to save time.
•All or some items can also be loaded into the Work Area for a cycle count.
•The Barcode Module can be used to expedite inventory counts.
•Inventory counts are typically performed to adjust stock levels for many items. To adjust stock levels for one or a few items, you can enter an inventory adjustment. |
Related reports
These reports can only be printed for Tickets currently in the Work Area (Tickets will be removed from the Work Area upon processing).
•You can print a listing of the transactions in the Work Area, to use as a worksheet or to verify your work before processing the count.
•The Inventory Count Variance Report compares the quantity counted to the current in-stock balance of each item (i.e. the system’s records) to help identify items that may not have been counted correctly or may be the subject of shrinkage or theft. |
Questions & Options
1.Select the sort order/sequence that you would like items to appear in the Work Area. It may be helpful to group related items together. For example, if the Work Area contains items that were counted at multiple locations, you might group the transactions by location.
Inventory Count Work Area Summary Screen
This screen lists one line for each pending (unprocessed) Ticket.
You can add, modify or delete Tickets using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Only Tickets with a status of “
” can be processed.
Status Column
Inventory Ticket Details Screen
This screen is used to enter the inventory count details for each Ticket.