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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

Navigation: Inventory Control > Adjustments > Inventory Counts

Inventory Count Variance Report

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INVENTORY CONTROL > Reports > Inventory count reports > Inventory count variance
(also available in other areas of the system)


This report compares the quantity on each Ticket in the Inventory Count Work Area (i.e. the quantity counted) to the current in-stock balance of each item (i.e. the system’s records) to help identify items that may not have been counted correctly or may be the subject of shrinkage or theft.


Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can enter a percentage threshold to only include items where the count quantity is different than the system’s records by a certain percentage or more. In some environments, small discrepancies are acceptable and so those items may not be worthy of investigation.

You will be prompted to enter the date that the count was performed on, which may not be today’s date. SpendMap will go back in time to the date that you enter here and will calculate the in-stock quantity for each item at that point in time. SpendMap will then compare the count quantity on each Ticket to what was in stock (i.e. the system’s records) when the count took place in order to determine if a variance exists and if the item should be included on the report.

Consolidate Tickets?   If the same item exists on multiple Tickets at the same location, you can consolidate these tickets (which will happen automatically when the Tickets are processed), so that the end result will be a single adjusting transaction to bring stock levels to the correct quantity. For example, if an item is counted with a quantity of 10 on one Ticket and 20 on another Ticket (for the same location), SpendMap will consider there to be 30 in stock at that location when the count is processed.

Normally tickets should be consolidated before generating this report to get a proper view of the stock status of each item. However, if you plan to do additional work on Tickets in the Work Area, you may not want to consolidate them at this time.