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SpendMap User Guide (v14.5)

(Displayed automatically when importing data)

When importing data into SpendMap, you can verify how the data will be imported before the import takes place.

Also, if some records fail validation, you can see the details of those records so that you can make adjustments before running the import. Alternatively, you can import only the good records.

For more information on the integration tools in SpendMap, see Data Interfaces - Overview and General Information.


Data Import Preview Screen

At the top of the screen, you will see the number of records that are ready to be imported as well as the number of records that will not be imported due to errors (e.g. a field that does not pass validation). To view the details of the records that are failing validation, select [VIEW ERROR LOG].

In the middle of the screen, you will see the fields from the first record in the import file so that you can verify that the data will be imported into the correct fields in SpendMap.

To abandon the operation, select [CANCEL] otherwise select [CONTINUE] to import the number of records that are ready for importing.

Records that are not ready for importing (i.e. with errors) will be skipped during the import operation. To see the details of these records, use View Import Log for Last Import Operation.