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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Purchasing (Main Module) > Utility

Record Unattended Process Scripts

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PURCHASING > Utility > Record unattended process scripts


This is used to create or modify "scripts" (prerecorded instructions), which are used to default/suppress pop-up prompts when running SpendMap utilities and reports in unattended mode (i.e. with no human interaction).

When you select this menu option, you will be returned to the Main Menu and a comment will be displayed to remind you that you are in "SCRIPT SETUP" mode.  Just select the menu option for the utility that you will be running in unattended mode, and respond to any pop-up prompts as you would when using the system normally.  Your responses will be used when you run the utility or report in unattended mode later.

If need be, you can create more than one script for any particular utility/report in SpendMap (e.g. if you need to create different versions of a report, send a report to different recipients, etc.).


Noteworthy Questions & Options

1.If there are date field prompts, entering the current date will imply the current date when the script is run. That is, regardless of when the script is run, the date at that time will be used for that date field. However, if you specify a date other than the current date, the date specified will always be used regardless of the current date.

2.When recording scripts to run reports, you will be prompted for a report destination.  Your options are e-mail or to a file.
If e-mail is selected, you will be prompted for one or more e-mail addresses to send the report to.  Enter one e-mail address per row/line on the screen.
If you select the file option, you will be prompted for a filename to create.  If you enter ONLY a file name (without specifying the path), the file will be saved in the /SPOOL folder by default. You can view and open saved reports in the /SPOOL folder using Saved Reports and Files.

3.You will be prompted for the name of the script.  Enter a meaningful/descriptive name.   Script are saved in the /SCRIPTS folder.  If you previously set up a script for the utility/report, the script name will default to the name previously used - you can accept that name to overwrite the existing script or enter a new name to create a new script.

Other Considerations

If you have included a code from a master file in a script (eg. a filter option for a report) and that code is later renamed, you will be notified that the code may need to be manually modified in the script since it cannot be renamed as part of the rename operation. In that case, either manually change the code in the script or recreate the script and specify the new code.

If you have custom menu options that you would like to run unattended and there are user prompts in those areas, please contact SpendMap Client Services for further details.

New versions of SpendMap may include new prompts for some utilities or reports.  If this happens in an area that you are running with an unattended script, the unattended process may fail with an error that user interaction is required, in which case you must recreate the script.