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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Setup system > Supplier portal > Supplier portal views

To perform some screen-specific configuration in SpendMap, you must visit the screen in question. Since the screens in the Supplier Portal are not available from within the core SpendMap application, this utility allows you to access the screens in the Portal via the core SpendMap application so that you can perform the required configuration.

At the time of writing, this only applies to setting field and button restrictions by user access level but additional screen-specific configuration options may be available in the future.



1.Select the menu option to perform the required maintenance function (e.g. for field/button access restrictions, select...
PURCHASING > User setup > Field restrictions by user access level > Set field restrictions).
You are now in “setup mode”.

2.Select the menu for Supplier Portal Views.

3.From the drop-down list, select the Portal utility whose screens you want to configure.

4.Follow the remaining steps as outlined in the online Help for the function you are performing.
NOTE:  With respect to the Field Restrictions by User Access Level utility, all Portal users have an access level of zero (0). Therefore, setting the required access level for fields or buttons to one (1) or above will restrict all Portal users.