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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Purchasing (Main Module) > Utility > Data Interfaces > P-Cards

Set P-Card Batch Sequence Number

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PURCHASING > Utility > Data Interfaces > P-Cards > Set P-Card batch sequence number


This is used to establish the incrementing numbers that will be applied to transactions when you import P-Card transactions.

The number will be automatically assigned to each transaction that is imported and will be referenced as the PO Number Field on screens and reports.

In addition to an incrementing number, which will increment very time a P-Card batch is imported, you can enter a one or two characters prefix to the number to distinguish P-Card transactions from other purchases in the system. Remember, the number (including the prefix) will be referenced as the PO Number Field on screens and reports throughout the system.

Also, may reports in SpendMap can be filtered from left-to-right on PO number, so including a prefix will make it easy for you to identify P-Card transactions throughout the system.