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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Inventory Control > Utility

Reset Unused Usage Cancellation/Return Value

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INVENTORY CONTROL > Utility > reset unused cancellation/return value

This maintenance utility will reset the value for canceled/returned usages (for individual or all items) so that subsequent usages are values at current stock value.

Normally you would not want this to occur but can be useful in special circumstances.

For example: You start using a new item code and enter usages against it and later realize that the value in the item master file was incorrect. If you were to cancel and reprocess these usages (with the new value established in the item master file), the new usages would now still be processed at the original value. This reset utility will override this behavior and allow the new usages to be valued at current stock value.

Questions and Options

               Reset for ALL ITEMS or for ONE ITEM only?