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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Assets

Rename an Asset

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(Module) > Master Files > (applicable master file) > Rename
Use the Rename Utility to change existing master file codes.

Since master file codes are referenced on POs and other transactions throughout SpendMap, you cannot edit master file codes within the master files themselves (i.e. using the Add/Modify utility).

Therefore, this utility can be used to search and replace master file codes on all transactions throughout the system, in addition to updating the code in the Master File itself.


Code Rename Screen

Master File codes are renamed as a batch. Add codes as required and click [PROCESS] to begin the rename procedure; otherwise click [CANCEL] to exit without processing.

When you [ADD] a new code to the list, you will be prompted to enter the existing master file code (the FROM code) and the code that you want rename TO. You cannot rename to a code that already exists in the master file OR already exists in the list of codes to rename TO.