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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

(Various modules)  > (Various document sections) > Item requirements Staging Batch > Process staging batch


This is used to process the Item Requirements Staging Batch and create the resulting new documents/transactions (Purchase Orders, Releases, Requisitions, RFQs and Inventory Usages).  Alternatively, you can also process when you exit the Staging Batch Work Area.

When the Staging Batch is processed, the resulting new documents are routed to one or many users’ document Work Areas for final processing.  Those users can optionally receive an e-mail notification to let them know that they have new documents to work on.

Only items that show "_check" (ready) in the Staging Batch Summary Screen can be processed.

When items are processed and the resulting documents/transactions are created, the items will be removed from the Staging Batch automatically. Lines that are on hold and other lines that cannot be processed will remain in the Staging Batch Work Area and can be processed later.

When the process is complete, you will see a summary including how many documents were created and whether or not any errors occurred. If errors occur, the applicable items will remain in the Staging Batch Work Area. To see more details of an error, just go back into the Staging Batch Work Area and click [MODIFY] on the applicable line item.