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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

PURCHASING > Reports > Purchase Order Reports > PO Listing

This report lists Purchase Order (spend) information by PO date range and offers both a summary and detail format, as well as a number of sort and filter options.

In addition to standard filters (e.g. item, supplier, account code, user, etc.), this report offers a filter by PO Status, so you can optionally generate spend data on orders that are open, received or invoiced/closed.

The Detail Report lists most primary data elements on each PO (e.g. item, supplier, account code, dollar amounts, etc.) and includes a summary of the status of each PO line item, including the quantity purchased, released, received and invoiced to date.

The Summary Report lists high-level “count” information based on the selected sort order for the report, such as number of suppliers, number of items, number of POs, total dollar value, etc. For example, if you sort the report by supplier, you will see one line per supplier with the counts (statistics) for each supplier during the selected date range.
Since the Summary Report can be sorted based on a dozen primary fields and will show statistical data based on the selected sort order, this report can effectively be used to report on spending based on the 12 sort order fields, such as spend by item, spend by supplier, spend by buyer, spend by account code, etc.

Noteworthy Questions & Options

If you use multiple currencies, you have the option to convert dollar values in foreign currencies to your local/landed currency. This allows you to compare apples-to-apples across POs and suppliers in different currencies. If you choose not to convert to landed currency, a currency indicator will show next to foreign PO dollar amounts on the report.

You will have the option to include or exclude archived POs on the report.