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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

INVENTORY CONTROL > Utility > Data Interfaces > Export usage log > Export

If inventory usage transactions that are entered in SpendMap are needed by another system, you can use this utility to transfer the transactions electronically.

For example, you might export usages to your Accounting or ERP system to update the General Ledger.

Unlike other transactional interfaces that use a separate holding file to store transactions until the interface is run, the usage interface takes data from the Usage Log. Therefore, you do not need to change any system settings to enable the interface (i.e. usage transactions will be stored and ready for interfacing as soon as inventory usages are entered).

However, since the usage transactions are stored in the Usage Log, purging the log will remove any un-sent usage transactions. Therefore, if you use this interface, make sure that the interface is run before purging the log.

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Noteworthy Questions & Options

You can export usages by [DATE RANGE] or only [NEW USAGES].

If being sent by date range, usages transactions within the date range specified will be included in the interface regardless of whether or not those transactions were included in a previous interface. That is, you may export the same transaction more than once if exporting by date range.
To export only new usage transactions (i.e. usages that have not yet been transferred), use [NEW USAGES] so that you do not have to worry about duplicate transactions. When the usages are exported, they will be “marked as sent” to ensure that they are not sent again.
If you use the [NEW USAGES] option, you will be asked if the previous transfer was successful. If you select [YES], transactions from the previous transfer will be deleted. If you select [NO], transactions from the previous transfer will be sent again (in addition to any new transactions there were processed since the last transfer). This gives you an opportunity resend old transactions in the event that the last transfer file was lost, damaged, etc.