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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Utility > Data Interfaces

Export Asset Master File

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(MODULE) > Utility > Data Interfaces > (master file to be exported) > Export> Export …

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This utility is used to export master file data.

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Noteworthy Questions & Options

1.Select, modify or create an Export Configuration which will determine the type of file that will be created with the exported data.  If no Export Configurations exist, you will be brought to the Export Configuration screen to create a new export configuration

2.You can optionally apply one or more filters to limit the data exported. You will be returned to the “Establish filter limit?” question after setting up a filter in case you want to apply another filter. Filters are cumulative.
If you apply a filter, a list of the fields in the master file will be displayed. To apply a filter, select the field to filter on and then enter the filter limit. Filters are left-to-right, so you can specify one or more characters to match. For example, you can export records where the field starts with “A” or “AB” or “ABC”, etc.