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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Purchasing (Main Module) > Utility > System Management > Test Environment

Enable Electronic Transmission in Test System

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PURCHASING > Utility > System management > Test environment >  Enable electronic transmission in TEST system


SpendMap test/sandbox systems normally do not send electronic documents/messages so that, for example, you don't inadvertently send a Purchase Order or other document to a supplier during your testing.

While using your test system, SpendMap will still look/act like it is sending these messages (i.e. you will see prompts and messages to that effect) but the actual messages will not be sent. This will preserve the look and feel of your test system and closely matches that of your live system.

If you need to test the actual delivery of electronic messages, use this menu option to temporarily enable electronic documents/messages for a specified number of minutes.

Note that this applies to both internal messages (e.g. email notifications to users), as well as documents/transactions (e.g. sending POs and other documents to your suppliers electronically).