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SpendMap User Guide (v15)

Navigation: Asset Management > Assets > Asset Verification

Asset Verification Work Area

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ASSET MANAGEMENT > Assets > Asset verification > Asset verification Work Area

From time to time, you may want to perform a physical inventory count of your assets to make sure that all assets are present and accounted for.  When you do, you can enter the details of each asset, including the physical location, in the Asset Verification Work Area.

When the Work Area is processed, the "Date Verified" will be updated for each asset, which will show on various screens and reports, such as the Last Verification Date by Asset Report.  You can use the Report of Assets to be Verified to see which assets are due to be counted/verified.

You can also update the Location of your assets and change the Status and other fields when processing an asset count.

For general information on the use of Work Areas in SpendMap, see Document Work Areas.

hmtoggle_arrow0        Related utilities and transactions

hmtoggle_arrow0        Related reports


Asset Verification Work Area Summary Screen

This screen lists one line for each pending asset count.  Only lines with a status of “_check” can be processed.

hmtoggle_plus0        Status Column

hmtoggle_plus0        Buttons


Asset Verification Details Screen

This screen is used to enter the count details for each asset.

hmtoggle_plus0        Fields