(Module) > Utility > Data Interfaces ... Configure Import/Export File Layout
When using the "file-based" import/export utilities (as opposed to one of SpendMap's "direct" integrations), this utility is used to configure the applicable Import/Export function to match the file layout required by the other system. For example, you can select the fields to import or export, you can specify the order of the fields in the import/export file, etc.
SpendMap supports the following interface file types:
•Excel (XLS or XLSX)
•Text/CSV files
•FoxPro (DBF)
•SQL table (if you are using the SQL version of SpendMap)
The file type and layout can be different for each of the 30 or so built-in interfaces. For example, you might import Item Master File data using XLS files but export invoices using CSV files.
Also, you can set up more than one import/export configurations for each interface. For example, you might be importing item catalog data from multiple suppliers, each using a different file type and layout.
For more information about the integration tools in SpendMap, see Data Interfaces - Overview and General Information.
This screen is used to manage import/export configurations. You will be prompted to select one of the configurations when you run the applicable import or export.
Running interfaces unattended?
Export File Configuration Screen
This screen is used to configure/setup the file to be exported.
Start by selecting the file type and other details of the file to be exported at the top of the screen, then select the fields to be exported at the bottom of the screen. You can select fields using the [INCLUDE/EXCLUDE] or [ALL] buttons, by double-clicking on a line, or by clicking the box () in the Include Column.
Fields will be positioned in the export file in the order/sequence that they are selected on this screen. Note the Order column. You can insert new fields into the existing sequence using the [INSERT] button.
A () symbol in the Note Column indicates that there are notes/comments/instructions for the field. Point to the (
) symbol with your mouse to view the notes.
Import File Configuration Screen
This screen is used to configure/setup the import utility to match the file to be imported.
Start by selecting a file to import and other details of the file at the top of the screen, then match the fields/columns in the import file to the applicable fields in SpendMap, in the middle of the screen.
How to Match Fields
Use the navigation buttons [|<] [<] [>] [>|] to scroll through the columns in the import file, then select the applicable field in SpendMap using the drop-list titled "Select a field to match to this column". Repeat this process until all applicable fields have been selected/matched.
To unmatch/deselect a field, click the [UNMATCH] button.
You can use the "Default if blank/missing" option to populate a field in SpendMap, even if it isn’t included/populated in the import file for some or all records.
For certain fields in SpendMap, a "Notes for this field" hyperlink will be displayed, indicating that there are notes/comments/instructions for the field. Point to the hyperlink with your mouse to preview the notes or click the hyperlink to read the full notes/comments/instructions.